Wednesday, September 07, 2005


#87 - 500 Things

500 Things You Might Not Know About Me

1. I’m afraid of zombies.
2. I don’t do well in horror movies.
3. I slept with my light on after seeing Jurassic Park.
4. I let myself get talked in to seeing Blair Witch and The Grudge.
5. After The Grudge, I was scared of ghosts and zombies for weeks.
6. Sometimes writing puts me to sleep.
7. I write poetry when I’m upset
8. According to my height/weight chart, I’m officially obese.
9. That both disgusts and depresses me.
10. But I’m still cute!
11. I love Scott very much.
12. But I still think he can be a spoiled brat.
13. I’m addicted to lists.
14. Instead of writing notes, I would make lists for my friends in high school.
15. And college.
16. Sometimes I really wish I was in school again.
17. Sometimes I’m really glad I’m not.
18. I have been guilty of tech-itude.
19. I used to be deathly afraid of taking the bus.
20. I got over it.
21. I discovered that I really enjoy taking the LRT.
22. I hate the paint job in my living room.
23. For the first little while when we started dating, Scott wouldn’t tell his friends who he was seeing.
24. I found that hysterically funny.
25. When I write in my journal, I like to change colors when I change thoughts.
26. I like to color-code my SM work.
27. Close-minded people really piss me off.
28. So do ignorant people.
29. When I shower, I only feel clean if I’ve shaved.
30. I don’t usually like being naked.
31. I’ve never made it through my Winnie-the-Pooh movie without falling asleep.
32. I use that movie for naps.
33. The first time I heard “The Reason” by Hoobastank, I cried.
34. I regret losing my virginity to my ex.
35. I don’t regret sleeping with my best friend.
36. Despite the fact that he stopped talking to me.
37. I love thunderstorms
38. I love sitting in my car and listening to the rain hit the roof.
39. I hate the cold
40. I’m still willing to go north just to hear the northern lights sing.
41. Nor will I move someplace warmer.
42. I usually prefer comedies over dramas.
43. I’ve loved everything I’ve ever seen by Pixar.
44. I wish I could work there.
45. I think I might like to live in Scotland some day.
46. I can’t stand living in a filthy house.
47. Untidy is not the same as filthy.
48. I hate moving more than almost anything
49. I’ve moved 7 times in my life.
50. I get really uncomfortable when strangers approach me on the street.
51. I’m really choked that I can’t find the watch my brother gave me
52. I put it in a specific place so that I wouldn’t lose it.
53. now I don’t remember where it is
54. I loved that watch
55. I’m very addicted to Zelda
56. it’s the only game I can beat my brother and cousins at
57. Until recently, I was the only one among my cousins who had moved out of my parent’s house.
58. And I’m not the oldest.
59. I felt very much like the black sheep of the family.
60. until I found out my cousin is a black sheep too
61. I’m also the black sheep of Scott’s family.
62. I met Scott at Survivor Improv.
63. Shortly before he started dating my best friend.
64. that was only awkward for me once
65. I feel special that I was one of the first people to see Aiden.
66. I was actually honoured that P Daddy and Lizbird asked me to sit Izzy the first time.
67. on a different sitting adventure, Izzy pooped on my shirt
68. I still have that shirt
69. I plan on giving it to her someday
70. I have a… tendency… to be late.
71. it’s not always my fault
72. I don’t pick my nose at red lights or stop signs
73. I do it in between when fewer people are looking
74. I sing in the shower
75. I sing and dance in my car
76. Cher and I had a great duet one day
77. I find beauty in obscure places & things.
78. I prefer to write lying down
79. Sometimes I just gotta get up and dance!
80. I regret quitting dance class when I was little
81. my 18th birthday was my best one yet
82. there was no alcohol involved
83. my dad called me fat once
84. I cried over it later, when I was alone
85. I’m still not quite over it
86. I love having my nails done
87. I know how to drive a submarine
88. when I worked at West Ed, I wanted a bumper sticker: “My Other Car is A Submarine”
89. The bubbles were my favorite part
90. I really hated working for West Edmonton Mall
91. I was thrown into the lake at West Ed on my last day
92. I’ve driven a Hummer
93. I’ve danced on a Broadway stage
94. I’ve never eaten a Big Mac
95. And I worked at McDonald’s for 2 years
96. I used to get the uncomfortable feeling that Jago didn’t like me
97. I don’t get that feeling anymore
98. I’m very dependant on my car
99. My car’s name is Honey
100. I named her because she’s got personality
101. she’s usually sick
102. but that’s because by the time I’ve saved up enough to fix her, something else has gone wrong
103. I don’t want to get rid of her because I don’t think my next car will have any personality
104. I regularly fantasize about what I would do if I were rich
105. usually it involves some sort of extravagant surprise for someone
106. I have a pact with some college friends, “Whoever gets rich enough to buy everyone a fancy car, will.”
107. I fully intend to honour that if I get rich enough.
108. my super power is the ability to quote movies
109. My friend Paul believes that someday, somehow, I will save the world with that superpower.
110. Sometimes I get shy. (No, really! I do!)
111. I have a great fondness for lemon gin
112. I don’t like beer
113. I prefer white wine over red
114. but I’m slowly learning to drink red
115. I wear my boyfriends merchandise
116. I love giving custom made gifts
117. I love giving gifts, just because
118. sometimes I’m paranoid that strangers are laughing at me
119. My bra’s cost around $200.
120. each
121. I usually only have one at a time
122. I’m willing to have reduction surgery
123. I think sunglasses are incredibly sexy
124. I wish I had some
125. I don’t wear contacts
126. because I have a problem sticking my finger in my eye
127. I had a huge crush on my best friend from high school
128. not the one I slept with
129. I thought I was in love with him
130. I was very wrong
131. he’s gay now
132. and apparently he has a kid somewhere
133. we lost touch after high school
134. because I stopped talking to him
135. because I felt he was flushing his life down the toilet
136. apparently, he was afraid to tell me he was gay
137. of all the people in the world that would have been accepting of that, it was me
138. it really hurt my feelings that he didn’t tell me
139. I haven’t spoken to him since
140. that doesn’t really bother me
141. I guess that means I’ve changed/moved on/gotten over it
142. I love sleeping
143. sometimes I feel I can’t sleep without Scotty beside me
144. I know I can’t sleep without my little pillow
145. I’ve tried, it doesn’t work
146. I usually like to sleep with a stuffed animal
147. my blanket is made of flannelette
148. it was hand-made by my grandma
149. I recently bought new flannel pillow-cases to go with it
150. every now and then, I like to take candle-lit showers
151. someday I will have a claw bathtub
152. I like to blow bubbles in my milk
153. some days I get tired of being a grown up , so I go do something childish
154. while American Idol 2 was on, I was obsessed with Clay Aiken
155. but I think giving him his own Christmas special was going a little too far
156. I once created my fantasy bathroom in The Sims. It had a fountain
157. I used to do my homework in the bathroom
158. I used to be a head shorter than everyone
159. I have a picture to prove it
160. I think that everyone goes through the “dating and asshole” phase
161. mine was named Brian
162. I’ve really upped my standards since then
163. Maybe that’s why I was single for so long…
164. Scotty was worth the wait
165. I refused to give in to the Harry Potter craze
166. until I read the beginning of the first book
167. I read the second book all in one night
168. now I discuss with great passion how important it is that Ron and Hermione get together
169. I have read entire novels in one day
170. I’ve taken several weeks to read a play that can be performed in less than 2 hours
171. I believe in theatre ghosts
172. I thought Jerry Maguire was a really terrible movie
173. I think Hero is the greatest movie I’ve ever seen
174. I talked to Shane more when we wrote letters and he lived in PG than I do now that we live in the same city
175. I usually feel the need to take matches from bars, restaurants, etc
176. I have a whole box of candles left from Tony ‘n Tina’s wedding
177. which kinda was a show from hell
178. I enjoy drinking games
179. I’ve helped make some really cool drinking games
180. Like the Monkey Bowling Drinking game!
181. I’m addicted to Booster Juice
182. sometimes it’s a valid reason, sometimes it’s just spite
183. sometimes I sleep better with a light on
184. I want the biggest room in my house to be the bathroom
185. I went to league bowling with my parents instead of staying with a babysitter
186. I used to do my spelling homework on the floor between the benches in the bowling alley
187. I’m sick of my natural hair color
188. I’m still a little choked at Buster for chewing on my care bear
189. I know it was my own fault for not making sure my door was closed all the way
190. I don’t deal well with spiders, they creep me out
191. I’m not a big fan of bugs either
192. I love toe socks!
193. I think I have about 4 pairs
194. I like getting addicted to video games
195. I have recently discovered the joy of Barry Ween
196. Thanks Dev!
197. I love being an Aunt
198. people sometimes call me Annette
199. I really hate that
200. I usually prefer to sit on tables rather than at them.
201. my favorite time to be in the theatre is shortly before the house opens when all the pre-show is running and I’m the only one there
202. Dave once gave me my own personal dance party on the set at the Walterdale
203. if I don’t write it down, I’ll probably forget it
204. so I try to write down all the important things
205. I have several pieces of one-of-a-kind, custom-made clothing
206. one is my Scottybomb shirt
207. one is my DJ Squiggles hat
208. I almost always have at least one sharpie in my backpack
209. once I found seven in there
210. I have a complete collection of Crayola Mini-stampers
211. I almost had a complete collection of teeny-beanie-babies
212. I gave them to Izzy on her first birthday
213. I hope they’re worth something someday
214. My cell phone ring is Scotland the Brave
215. No, I don’t know the words
216. I really enjoy giving back rubs
217. which is good, because I find most people enjoy getting them
218. I know all the words to Copa Cabana
219. my favorite comic strip is “Fox Trot”
220. I can’t drink cola
221. it gives me a headache
222. Actually, all liquid caffeine gives me a headache.
223. at almost any given point, I have a list going
224. I love caper movies
225. I have a very vivid imagination
226. which is why I can’t watch scary movies
227. I like summer because I can walk around without socks on
228. I used to have silver pleather pants
229. they were really hot
230. There is a picture of me in my NABC yearbook, I’m wearing those pants and dancing a tango with Kari and the flash is reflecting off my butt.
231. it’s a great pic
232. I own more tools than my boyfriend
233. sometimes I like taking control
234. but only if I know what I’m doing
235. I’m a bottom
236. I’m quite good at the 15 puzzle
237. I enjoy crosswords, even though I’m not very good at them
238. whenever I learn something new, I like to practice a lot right away until I get good at it
239. I think guilt is the worst feeling in the world
240. so I try not to do things that might make me feel guilty later
241. it’s easier for me to write things rather than say them
242. because I can take time to think things through
243. and I can edit
244. I have recently discovered the joys of blogging
245. And I love it!
246. I keep a very short list in my head of people that I think are brilliant
247. I’m not embarrassed of my middle name
248. it’s Eileen
249. my mother had an old friend named Anita
250. Mom says I’m not named after her
251. I’m still not so sure about that
252. I think I have great legs
253. I can’t stand “King of the Hill”
254. It makes me want to punch Hank Hill in the face
255. repeatedly
256. but I could watch Monty Python all day and not get tired of it
257. I don’t think I ever want to do another COSY show
258. let’s just say it wasn’t that great of an experience
259. I have a huge creative-crush on Jon Stewart
260. I think he’s got talent oozing out of every orifice
261. ewww
262. I really miss Ang
263. She’s in Japan right now
264. I like my job, but I wish I had one that was more fun
265. something I could really throw myself into
266. my jewelry is silver, I don’t really like gold
267. and it needs to be sterling or better, or else I break it
268. I’m fairly confident that I’ve repeated myself somewhere on this list
269. sorry about that
270. I would really like to go work on the cruise ships, just to see what it’s like
271. but I don’t
272. because I’d rather be with Scotty
273. I tend to get really caught up in my environment
274. I guess that makes me a follower
275. fortunately that doesn’t always happen
276. and I always try to be me, wherever I am
277. I usually admit when I’m wrong
278. and I’m proud of myself for that
279. now that I’m a grown up, I like doing things I wasn’t allowed to do when I was a kid
280. like blow bubbles in my milk
281. or jump on my bed
282. I put mayo on my French toast
283. that tends to gross people out
284. I don’t like being left out of the loop
285. I love inside jokes
286. Like… “Size 5!”
288. And “Wait a minute…”
289. And “Fuck you, Clown!”
290. And “I’m sticky…”
291. I’m pretty good at coming up with realistic alibi’s
292. but they very rarely get used
293. When I was little, I wished I was a mermaid
294. I find water fascinating
295. maybe it’s because Scorpio is a water sign
296. yes, I’m a Scorpio
297. I like most vegetables
298. don’t tell my mom
299. I still don’t like peas
300. or cauliflower
301. I prefer just chocolate over chocolate with nuts or crisps or anything else that comes in a chocolate bar
302. I like hollow chocolate better than solid chocolate
303. I like calling people by their nicknames
304. someday I want to run a theatre
305. I hate it when people crank the radio, then immediately turn to you and start shouting a conversation
306. AUGH! Just turn the music down!! Don’t yell at me!
307. I’d rather have just a few genuine friends than a whole bunch of superficial ones
308. luckily, I have lots of genuine friends
309. I usually need more hours in the day
310. or maybe that’s just a sign that I’m too busy
311. I’m not afraid of heights
312. in fact, I quite enjoy them
313. I think handwriting is more fun than typing
314. I can’t sleep if I’m hungry
315. some people deal with emotional trauma by not eating, I deal by not sleeping
316. I was so stressed once that I had to work extra hard at the gym, because the only way I could sleep was to work myself to exhaustion.
317. it has to be really traumatic for me to lose my appetite
318. you know there’s something wrong if I’m being really quiet and shy
319. or if I recoil when someone touches me
320. because, usually, I’m a very outgoing and physical person
321. I also tend to fidget a lot
322. I can’t work with someone looking over my shoulder
323. I hold the theory that people are as attractive as their personalities
324. In general… I hate people
325. I think that’s why I like Spider Jerusalem so much.
326. I blame Devin for that, too.
327. Thanks again, Dev!
328. There are lots of days that I regret moving to the north side of the city.
329. I find other religions fascinating, and I always want to know more about them.
330. I really enjoyed having my cards read.
331. But I’ll only have it done by someone I know and trust.
332. I really enjoy the smell of cigars
333. But I only smoke cigars once or twice a year
334. Unless it’s a special occasion.
335. I remember very clearly the very first time I saw Dev
336. I don’t remember meeting Scotty
337. I’m not allowed to tell the clown joke
338. If you’ve heard it, you know why
339. I still don’t believe in Michael Dorrie
340. I know where I want to get a tattoo
341. but I don’t know what to get
342. I’m really good at Tetris
343. I mumble incoherently in my sleep
344. sometimes it turns into talking
345. but it still won’t make sense
346. I’m guilty of drunken dialing
347. I really like stand-up
348. And improv! Weee!
349. I have an illegal picture of Lincoln Centre in New York
350. I’ve been inside the SNL studio
351. That was a really big deal to me back then
352. I don’t wear make-up very often
353. usually just on special occasions
354. I’m not really a big fan of potato chips
355. I’d rather have taco chips (mmmm… Tostitos)
356. According to Scott, I snore
357. I really hope my snoring doesn’t get as bad as my dad’s
358. I usually try to look at things from other people’s perspective as well as my own
359. I think it promotes understanding and empathy
360. I can’t believe I still have to come up with 140 more things
361. I’ve decided to stop pretending to like Eminem
362. I can’t stand the majority of his music
363. I really hate the smell of dog food
364. I don’t like being around my best friend when he’s been drinking
365. I’m starting to think that I’ve outgrown the bar scene
366. I hardly go anymore
367. I really like Buster. (Adam’s dog)
368. But I don’t like living with him
369. At least not now, while he’s still a puppy
370. I hate doctors
371. because I have yet to find one in this city that isn’t a jerk
372. I sometimes wonder if I would make a decent director
373. I know I’m a lousy actor
374. I hope I’m a decent stage manager
375. I’ve kept old e-mails that have made me laugh
376. I’ll read chain e-mails, but I don’t forward them.
377. Unless they are extremely good (and my standards are pretty high)
378. Not even the sob-story, touching ones that tell you “you have no heart” if you don’t forward this.
379. Because I don’t think guilt is a good reason to send on an e-mail
380. So if you ever get a forward from me, rest assured it’s either astoundingly amazing or laugh-until-you cry funny.
381. I really enjoy occasionally being able to spoil people
382. I don’t like being the bearer of bad news.
383. So I tend to sugar coat things
384. I’m a big fan of oldies music
385. I was really ticked at George Lucas for ruining Episodes 4, 5, & 6 and re-releasing them, again.
386. And don’t even get me starting on digital Yoda.
387. I spent an entire lunch break at school ranting and raving about how much I hated digital Yoda.
388. If I were on “Beat the Geeks,” I would want to be the Monty Python Geek.
389. I almost died when I saw the entire Flying Circus series in a DVD box-set.
390. We wants it!
391. I spent a very long drafting class listing to “All I Want is You” by U2 over and over again.
392. Because it reminded me of someone I had a HUGE crush on.
393. For the longest time, that song still reminded me of him.
394. Not so much anymore.
395. I can’t hear “Clocks” by Coldplay without thinking of Scotty and getting a little mushy.
396. I tried role-playing when I was a kid, with my cousins.
397. I never really got into it.
398. But I loved reading the books and knowing the stories.
399. I really want Scott to finish that big L5R campaign he started
400. Because I know how it ends and they stopped right before the really good part!
401. I think commercial Christmas has ruined Halloween.
402. And I love Halloween!
403. I think corporations and greedy business have ruined a sacred and wonderful holiday.
404. I refuse to acknowledge Christmas until December.
405. Only once have I managed to find the perfect gift for everyone at Christmas.
406. My mom and I have a Sailor Moon rivalry/inside joke.
407. We buy each other really tacky Sailor Moon stuff.
408. I totally won last year.
409. I bought her a Sailor Moon piggy bank…
410. To get her back for the year she bought me the board game…
411. Which is the stupidest board game ever!
412. One of the best concerts I was ever at was Captain Tractor when they played at Red’s on St. Patrick’s Day several years ago.
413. I drive a lot, and I’m really tired of it.
414. The reason I don’t drink pop is because I don’t like the carbonation
415. “Alone in the Universe” from Seussical makes me cry
416. I really miss talking to Mel all the time
417. I think she should move to California, because it would make her happy.
418. I really wish I owned my own home.
419. I have a great big collection of fairy tales.
420. I’ve been collecting them since I was a little kid.
421. I used to read my huge book of fairy tales for hours while eating Goldfish crackers
422. Mmmmm… Goldfish crackers (addicting little buggers)
423. I have a decent collection of funny boob shirts.
424. They are surprisingly popular at the bar.
425. I don’t like straight bars.
426. The Powerplant is one of the very few exceptions to that rule.
427. I came incredibly close one day to shaving my head, just on a whim.
428. It would have been for cancer
429. I recently discovered I have a fondness for mushrooms
430. the veggie, not the drug
431. I miss being able to walk to downtown
432. I don’t miss the crazy people that wandered down the street by my old apartment
433. And I miss that apartment, a lot
434. I once found a beautiful silver dress that fit me perfectly and made me feel like a princess.
435. I kick myself all the time for not buying it.
436. I used to have a Siamese Fighting Fish
437. His name was Barry.
438. He had a trick; he would come up and nibble on the toothpick I put in the water.
439. He was a great fish
440. I was really sad when he died
441. I really wish I was closer to my brother
442. I really want to finish this so I can put it on my blog.
443. And finally cross something else off my list!
444. I started watching SNL because I wanted to see Wayne’s World sketches
445. I stopped watching SNL because it stopped being funny.
446. I thought about posting this in smaller chunks, but I was worried about repeating myself
447. Sorry
448. I entered a draw at K-Days…
449. And I won!
450. A promo vacation to Florida!
451. Woot!
452. For some reason, I was really addicted to the SB e-mail “Long Pants”
453. I watched it everyday for about a week
454. I never had the geeky experience of Band Camp
455. I went to Bible Camp instead
456. No, I don’t have booze/drug/sex at camp stories
457. I bought my co-worker some Crayola Window Writers for her birthday.
458. Now I get to draw on her office window on a regular basis.
459. It’s a great way to not work for an extra 20 minutes every now and then!
460. I’m definitely not a morning person
461. And coffee doesn’t help (can’t have liquid caffeine, remember?)
462. I like my hot chocolate nice and thick
463. but not so hot that it burns my tongue
464. I’ve eaten alligator, eel, ostrich, and frog.
465. Frog tastes like chicken
466. Alligator tastes like chicken that’s been hanging out with seafood.
467. My car will be paid off by the end of the year.
468. I can’t wait
469. Maybe then I can afford to fix her!
470. I’m fairly confident that when I finish this list, I’ll come up with a few more things to put on it.
471. I have a complete set of Hitchhiker’s Yarn Dolls.
472. I was so proud of them that I showed them off to everyone at COSY.
473. Thanks Scotty!
474. Also, thanks to Scotty, I have found my inner-geek
475. And my inner-geek likes Zelda
476. My favorite time to read is right before I go to bed
477. Cuz I can get all comfy in my bed with my PJ’s and my book
478. Except that I usually fall asleep into my book.
479. Unless it’s Potter (Curse you Rowling!)
480. I think it’s better to take naps on the couch, not in my bed
481. I can’t watch Cabaret (the movie) without a glass of Bailey’s
482. The smell of coffee grounds reminds me of Christmas
483. Because that was our job Christmas morning; make the coffee for when Mom and Dad got up.
484. I’m trying to introduce everyone I know to the great joy that is VeggieTales.
485. I want to try and build a complete set!
486. I’m Andraya’s Aunt in charge of Funk and VeggieTales
487. I’ve never been part of a wedding party
488. I spent most of a school year having a life-threatening crush on someone.
489. Then my best friend went out with him
490. it took me a really long time to get over that
491. not because of him, but because I felt like my very best friend had betrayed me
492. I don’t want to get married right now, but I seem to have a lot of wedding ideas
493. I hate it when the radio ruins a good song by playing it a bazillion times a day
494. Autumn is by far my favorite season, because I love color!
495. If you trace it around enough, I’m related to a girl named January (we met at a family reunion)
496. I have a cute little plush husky, named Whisper, that lives in my room and protects me from bad dreams
497. I like to collect unusual Marvin the Martian paraphernalia.
498. Like my Marvin snow globe and model roadster.
499. I can’t believe I came up with 500 things!
500. I can’t believe you read the whole thing!!

It took me two sittings (I got to 300 and had to go out) but I got through them all. I think I said "me too" to at least 30 or 40 of them (probably more). Now I'm inspired!! I may just end up making a similar list myself (#13 is definily one of the ones I share).
Have I told you recently just how much you ROCK!!
Re #96: Booo!

Re #97: Yay!

Also, I'm sorry that you didn't know what happened to my blog. I didn't know your email address.

But I DID give it to Scott. And he knows the deal, and should let you know too.
That's a good list. I found out some interesting things that I hope that I can remember. Also: I'm surprised that I im involved in 1.8% of your list! (That was way more than I expected.) You're a great lady, and I'm glad I don't hate you anymore. Actually I never did, but I'm glad I got over the joke...
I was surprised (though I shouldn't have been) at how similar you and I really are. I love you even more now!I miss you, and plan to e-mail you right now! Love Love Love!
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