Saturday, April 21, 2007


A Long Overdue Update!


So I was looking at the list, and I think it's time I finally did an update!

#8 Lose enough weight to have a flat tummy - In Progress

#16 Camping with a -40 sleeping bag - Done!
I went camping with the lovely T & S last September long weekend. I was warm!!

#68 Contact Juggling - In Progress
I borrowed a book and a ball from JugglePants. Not very committed to practicing, but I'm trying to be better about that.

#79 Company-funded Massages - Done and Done!
I've been seeing my massage therapist for over a year now. And I haven't paid for any of it!!

#83 Join a gym - Done!
Kristy and I started working out twice a week last fall. I have a membership card with a bad picture of me and everything!

Ok! So far so good. I think I will try to cross something off this list again this weekend!

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