Wednesday, May 11, 2005


At Least I Started On Time!

O.k. So I did go with yesterday as a start date, but I was unable to post anything last night. So I'm posting today!! My Official End Date is still Feb 5, 2008. Egads! I'll be 28 years old

And, no... I haven't finished the list yet. I attribute it to wanting to be sure I have items of quality on this list. So I shall have a list-in-progress!

So here it is!! (Drumroll)

101 Things To Do In 1001 Days

1. Learn enough Italian to have a loose grip on the language
2. Take fencing for 1 season (or however fencing is measured)
3. Have blue or green hair
4. Have the other color
5. Own a copy of the Kama Sutra (the original, not the modern)
6. Learn to tango
7. Dance at the tango salon after having dinner at La Boheme
8. Lose enough weight to have a flat tummy
9. Then pierce my belly button
10. Then lose another 5-10 pounds
11. Watch all 3 Godfather movies
12. Go back to New York. See the Met, Rent & Blue Man Group. Eat at the Jekyll & Hyde restaurant (if it's still there)
13. Have a glam photo shoot done by Nikki
14. Own the red dragon painting
15. Lunch at Peter’s, drinks at Deluxe
16. Buy a -40 sleeping bag, camp with it.
17. Go back to school to start my BFA: SM.
18. Go to a U2 concert
19. See Blue Man Group live (not New York)
20. Own an sm-ing laptop. Do not name it Maurice
21. Visit Leduc once a month for a year
22. Find out how many CD's are out by the Safrie Duo. Own them.
23. Listen to John Madill, "one play per week for you"
24. Hang out with Jeff as close to once a month as possible (family functions do not count!)
25. Save the equivalent of $5 per day, minimum. Once saved, this money is not to be touched until 1001 days is up
26. Support 10 non-mainstream artists I like by buying their CD instead of downloading songs
27. Eat at every Boston Pizza in Edmonton
28. Own and beat every Zelda
29. Practice calligraphy once a week
30. Host a jellybean cocktail party
31. Give up chocolate for 1 month
32. To celebrate, buy a big box of Guylian seashells and eat the whole thing in one sitting
33. Write in my journal everyday for 2 weeks
34. Learn all the words to Modern Major General
35. Go on a photo tour of Edmonton with Oreo. Invite Scotty.
36. Build a complete Margaret Cho collection
37. Go all out on a romantic evening alone
38. One-up myself with another romantic evening, this time with Scotty.
39. Go for a formal dinner with Shane & Jeanette… at a fast food restaurant.
40. Leave the continent
41. Eat at 25 mom & pop style restaurants
42. Take my cape apart, fix it, put it back together, finish it.
43. Talk to Cookie (even if it’s only once), find out what the hell happened
44. Help everyone I know (that has one) cross something off their 101 list
45. Double skunk someone at crib
46. Buy a complete Daniel McIvor set. Give it to Adam
47. Post this list on my blog
48. Blog bi-weekly (minimum)
49. Walk across the high level bridge while the waterfall is on
50. Make a list of things grownups tell kids not to do. Try to do them all.
51. Use the chocolate factory at least twice
52. Own a Buddha board
53. Come to work a ½ hour early & stay a ½ hour late for 1 week
54. Find Danae (my reflexologist). If she is practicing, become a client
55. Play in a fountain fully clothed
56. Blow bubbles from very high up, just to see how far they go
57. Finger paint with children
58. Try to play a round of golf and stay under par. Have a spectacular failure
59. Eat 1 piece of shrimp. Try not to get sick
60. Finish list of Ultimate songs
61. Make Ultimate CD of Ultimate songs
62. Make love outside at night
63. Make love outside during the day
64. Read complete works of Shakespeare
65. Build another themed snow fort
66. Watch Clockwork Orange
67. Leave a 50% tip for excellent service
68. Learn contact juggling
69. Finish reading the Mabinion
70. Read the Arthurian Romances
71. Get an Indigo card
72. Build my Dave Barry collection to at least 10.
73. Go somewhere by train (the LRT so does not count)
74. Unpack all of my moving boxes
75. Finish the Room of Funk
76. Finish the Underwater Bedroom
77. Take Byron to the bar
78. Have sex in my car
79. Go for a massage every month. Charge it to the company. Yay benefits!
80. Paint my dresser to match my room
81. Find Garrick
82. Finish list of 101 things to do in 1001 days.

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